This video shows you how to establish a successful pricing strategy that achieves the highest sale price, while avoiding the pitfalls of overpricing that will prevent the home from selling. Learn how to establish current market value of your home.

Learn the special considerations it takes to sell a home in the luxury market.


People buy on emotion and decide with logic, and you don’t get a second chance at a first impression. This video will demonstrate how to create a positive impact on buyers by appealing to all five senses. Before-and-after scenes illustrate how small changes lead to a big impact, so your home will stand out from the competition and sell faster. Review the Seller Checklist.

Learn how to receive the highest price in the shortest time, with the least inconvenience, by selecting a qualified real estate agent. This video will lead you through the eight major steps of selling and provide specific, measurable criteria for evaluating the capabilities of a real estate agent’s ability to manage the process. Review the Seller Checklist.

This video will provide you with specific, measurable criteria for evaluating the capabilities of a real estate agent. You will learn how to evaluate their ability to handle the following: Marketing management, Exposure to agents, Exposure to public, Securing prospects, Demonstrating the home, Securing an agreement to Purchase, and Closing the transaction. Here is a helpful document: Seller Checklist.

Watch this brief video on why price alone should never be the sole criteria for selecting a real estate agent. Here is a helpful document to assist you in the process: Seller Checklist.

Evite errores peligrosos que bajan el precio de venta de su casa. Aprender los principios fundamentales del mercado para establecer el precio de venta, incluyendo: ¿Qué determina el valor, cómo el mercado responde a su precio, las respuestas a las preguntas más comunes de fijación de precios y cómo beneficiarse de este mercado cambiante.